Sitting at a desk all day

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  • Laurie

    Hey chirpers
    I am a receptionist and im sitting at my desk all day by the end of the day my neck starts to really hurt me anyone have advice on how to prevent it from happening or once it hurts how to calm the pain?

  • Author

  • Gossipgirl

    Maybe you need a better chair. The chair you sit on has an effect on your bones and body.


  • Rachel
    • Teacher

    There are some chairs – expensive – that are made for people who sit at work all day.
    They are $500+ but have great reviews….
    Here is a link if you are interested . It is called Herman miller & they are supposedly the best in the back pain etc chair dept.

    Good luck!


  • Miri

    As an occupational therapy student, I’d like to make a few suggestions. It is important to take breaks during the day and do stretches – especially for your neck muscles to prevent strain. Make sure that your computer is at eye-level so you don’t put extra strain on your neck (even when texting bring your phone up to eye level – to reduce your risk of getting “text neck”). Hope this helps!


    • Shiffs
      • Salesperson

      Thank you for the tips!


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