Keeping up with the house!

Chirp Home Forums House/Home Keeping up with the house!

  • RockS

    Hey. How does everyone keep their house organized and clean while working? Folded laundry in drawers? And beds made daily? Any tips?

  • Author

  • Dini

    Good question – i think we all have that question!


  • shelly c

    I know that this may sound strange to a lot of you, but I worked with a personal organizer who helped me to organize everything in my home. Now everything has a place which makes the upkeep very easy.


  • Sara Devorah

    That mountain of laundry to fold- insurmountable- goal, to fold anything that doesn’t fit into the laundry basket! It makes it easier to tackle, sometimes I get to it all anyway, sometimes everyone just takes the things that can be worn creased i.e. PJs from the basket!


  • Gila

    Cleaning lady


  • Ruchy

    I tell my kids they have to make their beds every morning and they have to fold their own laundry as well


  • Ariella

    It’s honestly very tough but the only way I get through my week is with shabbos I literally sleep as much as I can on Shbs and that gives me energy for the week


  • F321w

    A good laundry routine is: put load into washer as soon as you start your day. Transfer load to dryer before running out the door. Fold that one load and put away before going to bed. One load each day only.


  • F321w

    And beds each person is responsible for their own bed. Doesn’t need to be perfect but needs to be done.


  • Geetee

    Delegate to kids whatever possible. Even little kids can be taught to make beds, put dirty laundry in hamper, clear the table after supper. “If a child is old enough to get out a toy to play, she is old enough to put it away.”

    Also try to minimize cleaning as much possible. Use disposable dishes (yes, I also use them Shabbos, gasp!), cook and bake in disposable pans, whenever making anything messy make sure to line the area with disposable tablecloth, etc.

    Try to create systems: Try to think what works better for you. Doing laundry once a week and giving away 3 hours or rather every 2nd day a half hour? You like to do everything Friday for Shabbos or rather start Wednesday? Do you prepare supper a night before, the morning of, or when coming home? There is no right or wrong way to do it. But you do need to decide which way works better for you and stick to a system.

    Keep it simple. I know we live in a world of Instagram and it looks like EVERYBODY is making 3 course breakfast, extravaganza birthdays, several dips for Shabbos. But you need to know your limits. Do whatever works for you best!

    Good Luck


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