Picky kid! Help!

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  • stern

    My son (3) used to eat whatever I gave him, no questions asked. Recently, he has become so picky that something he’ll finally agree to eat one day he will ignore the next. I have tried so many different approaches, too many to list here (letting him choose his meals- BAD IDEA! He just chose ice pops. Letting him prepare his meal- he would eat some of the cheese that we were using to sprinkle on the pizza but then lost interest).
    Anyone been through this that can offer advice?

  • Author

  • Geetee

    Might be food allergy. Would recommend talking it thru with your pediatrician


  • Laurie

    Growing up my mom would tell us we need to take a certain amount of bites of whatever dinner was that night and then if we finished we got dessert and it worked everyone loves sweets


  • Shiffs
    • Salesperson

    interesting article from http://www.maryannjacobsen.com/2013/07/the-most-overlooked-reason-kids-stay-picky-eaters-part-1/

    The food neophobia (fear of new food) linked with picky eating peaks from ages 2 to 6 years of age. That doesn’t mean picky eating disappears by age 6, but it typically gets better as kids enter school. So if you have a child who turned picky at age 3 and isn’t much different at age 4, that is pretty normal in terms of development. Trying to fight against this has the potential to negatively color a child’s eating for the next stage, keeping picky eating alive instead of gradually getting better. The key is not to get children to eat as so many try, but to get through this stage with a child who feels good about eating while still being exposed to a variety of food.


  • Ruchy

    It probably just a stage… he’ll grow out of it


  • Gila

    bribe them with something they like when they finish the food in front of them


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